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[XrmToolBox] Use FetchXML Builder

FetchXML Installation : XrmToolBox 1. Open XrmToolBox And Find FetchXML Builder 2. Start FetchXML Builder 3. Click the fetch from node 사용은 Top 또는 Paging 둘 중 하나만 가능 Paging size : 한 페이지에 보여줄 레코드 개수 Dstinct : 페이지에 보여지는 레코드 중복 제거 No-lock : 테이블 lock 거는 것을 풀어줌 (조회 할 때 퍼블리시되지 않은 값도 들어올 수 있음) Page : 페이지 (미입력시 1 페이지) 4. Click entity form node 조회할 Entity Name을 선택 후, Select Attributes 클릭 조회할 Entity의 Attirbute를 선택하여 확인 link-entity 클릭 Relationship을 클릭하여 링크할 관계 선택 후 결과

Transition Master

Add Useless Transition into Winform easier.

Transition Master is transition for c# Winform that it help to make an transition.



version 0.2.1 ; 22-09-2017
Controling Image 
Logo Enable Control (For only Transition) 
Can Change number of block in HorizontalBlock and SequentialHorizontalBlock. 
Can Change number of rotate in Pinwheel .
Can Change Logo Image Size.

version 0.2.1 ; 22-09-2017
Add Transition_Completed Eventhandler for hide and show other control in Form.

version 0.2 ; 21-09-2017
Changed Name SequentialRodIn to SequentialHorizontalBlock
Create HorizontalBlockIn(Out), ExpandBlock(ReduceBlock),PinwheelIn (Out)(ExpandBlock's Additinal)
Now You Can Control the HorizontalBlock's Animation shows 4 way Direction. (LeftRight(default), RightLeft, TopBottom, BottomTop) and can choose other direction when out.

version 0.1 ; 18-09-2017
Create Fade In, Fade Out, SequentialRodIn
Control Transition In Out Duration, Waiting Time. And Font Size.

Can Control
Transition In Out Duration,
Transition Waiting Time after In
Logo In Out Duration,
Logo Waiting Time after In Out
Choose Transition In Out Types
Choose Animation Direction (only HorizontalBlock and SequentialHorizontalBlock) In Out(if not set out, default set follow in)
Transition Fill Color (default Black if you want change white you need change bg except white)
Change Logo's Title (default Aging Burst)
Change Logo's Font Size (default 48)

Add new Func next Version
Add More Transition

How to Use

In Winform cs file

See the Demo File's Source


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